Total Return Strategies
Growth & Income: Typically between 40%-75% is invested in equity funds, and a minimum of 25% in bond funds (including any cash). The primary objective is an appreciation of the principal. Bond funds generate income and reduce overall risk. The investment time frame is at least 7 years. This strategy has a market volatility. Emphasis is on total return with a contribution from interest and dividends.
Income & Moderate growth: Typically between 20%-40% is invested in equity funds, and 60%-80% in Bond funds (including any cash) The primary objective is current income, and the secondary objective is moderate appreciation. Equity funds provide access to market returns, and also generate dividend income. Bond funds produce income and lower overall risk. The investment time frame is at least 5 years. This strategy has moderate market volatility and interest rate sensitivity. Emphasis is on current income and total return with less risk.